Tuesday, May 10, 2022


   The Supreme Court has sparked a nation wide frenzy about a woman's Constittuional right to have an abortion. 

     And in everything I see and hear, women are proclaiming their right to do what they want with their own body.  But is that physically and medically correct?  The answer is, "No.  It is not the woman's own body."

     As the topic has been oftn explained, a woman's tonsils and appendix are her own body and therefore may be removed if necessary without any moral conern.  Or emotional concern.  

     A simple reference to Google will show what every physician knows, namely that a fetus is a being that contains half the mother's DNA and half the father's DNA.   It is a body and a life of it's own in the woman's body.

     I have  read that some single Catholics women had a secret abortion for fear of being punished by the Church for having become pregnant.

      It is not up to us to judge any woman who has an abortion.  It is most certainly up to us to do whatever we can to understand the circumstances that drive women to make such a major decision. And to do whatever we can to alleviate such circumstances.

     So, at least let's try to clarify the truth about what is or is not a pregnant woman's body.  That will be the first step toward taking a real look at this terrible cloud that darkens our society.


Comments:  massimini7@gmail.com    



Friday, April 15, 2022

                              AN ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT GOOD FRIDAY

    On this Good Friday we find ourselves witnessing an innocent country being crucified by a diabolical force.

    Actually, we must pray that Ukraine is experiencing a crucifixion from which it will arise and not totally be destroyed by the force of hell that is attacking it.

   The few people that crucified Jesus thought they were eliminating him forever.  I say, "the few people" because the people of Israel did not know what was happening on the hill where the Romans carried out their sacrilege.

   The lesson of Good Friday is that we will suffer crucifixions, small and large, in our lives.  For example, today we are suffering from a seriously collapse political atmosphere, daily murders in our cities, an uncared for climate, etc.  

   Will we experience a resurrection?  The Church has the way.  In the 1960's Vatican II gave us a clear way to put away our irrelevance to the everyday world and showed us with great detail how we must be actively working in our own homes, neighborbhoods, workplaces, schools, et al. to do whatever we can with the gifts and opportunities we have, to help make our society more peaceful, more healing, more open to a better future--in sum, more human

     Right now in Ukraine, we have a horrific example of the total opposite of helping to make the world more human. The horror being inflicted upon the people of Ukraine severely contradicits the teachings of the crucified and risen Christ, whom the people of Ukraine, Russia, and we worship.

   Here in America we are free to choose our own leaders.  And to vote them out of office if they don't serve our Constitution well.

I did not say, serve our deepest prejucises well.  I said to service our Constituton well, with the clarity and love given to us by Him, who is the Light of the World.

   This Good Friday and Easter, we are especially called to renew our determination to help bring ever new life and new love to everyone we meet and to all the leaders of our country.

   Let us thank the Crucified and Risen Christ that we have the opportunity and power to turn our Good Fridays into Easter Sundays.  And let us pray that we are able to reach out and help our crufidied neighbors from the diabolic attack from hell.





Monday, March 14, 2022

                    A FALSE GOD VERSUS THE TRUE GOD                                         

     There are 21 times in the Old Testament when God tells us not to have false gods.  Vladimir Putin seems to have missed all of them in his Sunday School lessons as a member of the Russian Orthodox Church. This severely disturbed man has created his own god, i.e., himself.  

       He was born in 1952, seven years after the end of World War II which had Murderously devasted his country..  And he is now acting as if he has never heard of the morally insance German leader Adoph Hitler.  Even worse, he is acting just as horrifically as Hitler did. 

       Putin, In his moral insanityhas created his own world, of which he is god.  I recently saw a picture of this false god standing alone, no doubt in one of his golden palaces, which serve as his heaven, watching a television screen which was showing the insancely immoral deveastation that he was inflicting on men, women and children of Ukraine.  There was a look of satisfaction on his face.

   Putin's life story tells of of a severely impoverished childhood. For a time he lived in a rat infested apartment, and was even attacked by a rat which he had cornered.  He was a major obedience roblem in school until a teacher helped him to change his attitude.  He then flourished intellectually.

   Later he joined the KGB, the Russian Intelligence Agency.  And that opened his path to becoming President of Russia.


  Dear Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, please hear the prayers of the Ukrainian people and of people throughout the world for peace in Ukraine and in the heart and mind of Vladimir Putin.  Amen      .  .  


  Comments:  massimini7@gmail.com
















Friday, February 11, 2022

Quo Vadis 


   In 1896 Polish author Henry Sienkewicz wrote a book that contains this story:  It is the 300's and Emperor Nero is carrying out a persecution of Christians in Rome.  St. Peter is fleeing from Rome.  On the road he meets Jesus coming from the opposite direction.  He asks Jesus, "Quo vadis?"  i.e., "Where are you going?"  Jesus answers, ""To Rome, to be crucified again."

   Today, we can tell the same story with a crucial difference.  "Jesus can say, "I am going to America to be crucified again."  

    in fact he has already arrived.       

  1.    Here in America Jesus is being crucified again

   - -by every American who chooses to act with aggressive ignorance rather than with peaceful understanding and genuine patriotism. . 

   - -by political leaders who pledge to preserve and protect the Constitiution and then openly betray their pledge. .

  --  by a broken educational system that almost guarantees failure for too many children. In Christ, we cannot tolerate a system in which a School superintendant said, "Our goal this year is to try to see to it that our graduates can read their diplomas."

-- by continuing racism that is literally lethal to Black Americans.

-- by a financial system that permits corporations to pay little or no taxes that could help alleviate poverty and hunger for the poor.

_--by a still overly clericalized Church that is losing members every day who should be applying their vocations to help make our society more human by making it more luminously alive in the way Jesus actively taught and empowered us to be.

I  -- In sum, Jesus is being crucified here in America, by everyone of us who are not using our God-giving gifts to do all that we can to fulfill Jesus' great prayer, "Thy Kingdom come, on earth as it is in heaven." 

    Now we should ask ourselves, "Quo vadimus?"  Where are we going?

    I humbly advise all of my readers from the other 106 countries where I thankfully have readers, to make your own list for your own country.  .









Thursday, January 6, 2022


     Today, January 6th, 2022, we commemorate the attack on our country and our Constitution by a mob of people stirred up by a spiritually lost President.   

     Also today, we commemorate an attack on another Constitution, the one given to us by Jesus:  the Beatitudes.  .  

   The two Constitutiions have much in common.  They both are a "blueprint" for living as true, fully human beings in brother/sisterhood, with respect and love for one another.

   This day must be a day for us to rededicate ourselves to respecting both Constitutions in our daily lives.  We owe this to ourselves now and to those wo will inherit the country we leave for them.   We owe it to our coujntry's Founders.  We owe it to Jesus, who is the beautiful embodiment of the way we should all live in love with and for one another, with no exceptions.

   I repeat:  No exceptions.  The more we disagree with someone, the more we must honor our two Constitutions and work toward resolving our disagreements peacefully.  

   Today is a day to reflect and to resolve to live according to our two Constitutions as well as we can.  

                                                   God bless America

                                              All Glory to Jesus Christ