Monday, March 14, 2022

                    A FALSE GOD VERSUS THE TRUE GOD                                         

     There are 21 times in the Old Testament when God tells us not to have false gods.  Vladimir Putin seems to have missed all of them in his Sunday School lessons as a member of the Russian Orthodox Church. This severely disturbed man has created his own god, i.e., himself.  

       He was born in 1952, seven years after the end of World War II which had Murderously devasted his country..  And he is now acting as if he has never heard of the morally insance German leader Adoph Hitler.  Even worse, he is acting just as horrifically as Hitler did. 

       Putin, In his moral insanityhas created his own world, of which he is god.  I recently saw a picture of this false god standing alone, no doubt in one of his golden palaces, which serve as his heaven, watching a television screen which was showing the insancely immoral deveastation that he was inflicting on men, women and children of Ukraine.  There was a look of satisfaction on his face.

   Putin's life story tells of of a severely impoverished childhood. For a time he lived in a rat infested apartment, and was even attacked by a rat which he had cornered.  He was a major obedience roblem in school until a teacher helped him to change his attitude.  He then flourished intellectually.

   Later he joined the KGB, the Russian Intelligence Agency.  And that opened his path to becoming President of Russia.


  Dear Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, please hear the prayers of the Ukrainian people and of people throughout the world for peace in Ukraine and in the heart and mind of Vladimir Putin.  Amen      .  .  


















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