Today, January 6th, 2022, we commemorate the attack on our country and our Constitution by a mob of people stirred up by a spiritually lost President.
Also today, we commemorate an attack on another Constitution, the one given to us by Jesus: the Beatitudes. .
The two Constitutiions have much in common. They both are a "blueprint" for living as true, fully human beings in brother/sisterhood, with respect and love for one another.
This day must be a day for us to rededicate ourselves to respecting both Constitutions in our daily lives. We owe this to ourselves now and to those wo will inherit the country we leave for them. We owe it to our coujntry's Founders. We owe it to Jesus, who is the beautiful embodiment of the way we should all live in love with and for one another, with no exceptions.
I repeat: No exceptions. The more we disagree with someone, the more we must honor our two Constitutions and work toward resolving our disagreements peacefully.
Today is a day to reflect and to resolve to live according to our two Constitutions as well as we can.
God bless America
All Glory to Jesus Christ
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