Friday, April 10, 2020


   This Good Friday, our country, divided as it is by racial, social, economic and political hostility, is experiencing an ironic unity:  the unity of staying apart together.  In our  united separation we have been given the opportunity to realize how much we lose by being apart from one another.  In our own way, we are suffering as Jesus suffered on the Cross--for everyone.

   Our society naturally sorts us out economically, politically, religiously, etc.  But it should not separate us so much that we stop caring for one another, as we are inclined to do.  We are all Americans.  We are "We the People."  We fought a Revolution and a Civil War to be "One nation under God."  We need one another to succeed in our lives.  
   This Good Friday, as we wait for Easter while we stay home, physically away from our relatives and neighbors, we should take time to prayerfully think about changing our ways for the better.  

   We should re-examine our vocations, i.e., our talents and opportunities to help make ourselves, our families and communities, and our country more beautifully human in every way possible.  To begin with, we should make sure our family life is strong and healthy.  We should also take special care to help and protect the sick, poor, vulnerable and outcast.  

    Our political leaders must turn away from their narrow views and find new and better ways to help every American thrive.  Our corporations must reach out to their employees and provide true living wages and benefits.  Our schools must figure out new ways to educate our children--especially those from disadvantaged homes.  We must all take care of our planet.  If we don't do all this,we will have suffered in vain.  What a waste!

  Good Friday is the way to Easter.  If we don't make Good Friday a time for recollection and renewed commitment to do our part to make God's Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven, then we will turn the present suffering into an experience of hell.  The Way of the Cross is the way to  a better, fairer and more loving Earth and to an Easter of eternal life with God.

   Let us be on our way.  

   A blessed Easter to all my readers in all the 100 countries that log on, and to everyone on earth.