Friday, March 19, 2021

                     LORD, PLEASE LET ME SEE (Mt. 19:16-24)

   There are many ways to be blind besides physical blindness.  We can be personally  blind like the rich young man who identified himself as his money.  In order to get him to find his true self and human dignity and integrity, Jesus told him  to get rid of his riches.  Trapped in his false self, the young man walked away from Jesus.  

   We can be morally blind when we fail to see right from wrong.  A deeply sad example comes from political leaders who cater to the worst emotions of their people in order to get re-elected so they can continue to cater to their people's worst emotions.    

   We can be socially blind when we restrict our American citizenship to our own little physical and social "hometown" values, and look with suspicion and even hatred upon people who are different from us.

    Also, many of us are refusing to wear masks in public.  Blind to the truth that every right carries a responsibility, they claim that they have a right to act dangerously without caring for the people they may harm or even kill, 

    All these forms of blindness are examples of spiritual blindness.  These acts are examples of the loss of the dignity and integrity of our very soul that makes us humans.  

   "Lord, please let me see."  Christ has already answered our prayer.  In his Light, which is the Light of the World (Jn. 8:12) we are "everyday mystics" who can see the truth of our humanity and spirituality.  And we are "everyday prophets" who are called and enabled to "proclaim" Christ's truth by our actions to help people open their eyes and see the truth that in the One Body of Christ, we are all one regardless of color, nationality, social standing, etc., 

   In the darkness of today's society, Christ is depending upon us.  

COMMENTS:  amassimini"

"Blind to the truth that every right carries a responsibility."  I like that idea.  LSP New Jersey



1 comment:

  1. "Blind to the truth that every right carries a responsibility,"
    I like that idea.
    Hope you and M are well.
